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2023 NEW XIAOMI MIJIA Total Effect Air Purifier De Formaldehyde De Bacteria Odor Smart Home Purifier via Mi Home App Control

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2023 NEW XIAOMI MIJIA Total Effect Air Purifier De Formaldehyde De Bacteria Odor Smart Home Purifier via Mi Home App Control

Mi Home Total Air Purifier is a new flagship air purifier from Xiaomi designed to provide a more space-saving solution for small and medium-sized users. The exterior features a four-leaf clover pioneer design, with a simple and elegant quad-curved streamline, and, with a small footprint, the whole machine is lightweight and compact, with a left and right dual-cartridge compartment compound filtration matrix design and six repetitions of combined purification, taking down a variety of air pollutants such as formaldehyde, bacteria and viruses, allergens and TVOC in one go.

With a particle CADR of 700m³/h and a formaldehyde CADR of 390m³/h, the Mi Home Total Air Purifier is suitable for an area of up to 84m², with an air volume of 11,666L per minute, and can purify a whole house in 2.6 minutes (for a bedroom of 3m high and 10m² in size, for example).

The Mi Home Air Purifier uses the same “Aldehyde Solution” technology as the Ultra model. The catalytic aldehyde solution cartridge equipped with this technology continuously decomposes formaldehyde into water and carbon dioxide without releasing secondary pollution, and the catalytic component is not consumed in the reaction itself, making the aldehyde removal effective for a long time.

Moreover, the aldehyde cartridge is designed to be separated separately, cleverly designed in the middle of the HEPA cartridge and the activated carbon layer, such a “new sandwich structure” design can not only catalyse the decomposition of formaldehyde, but also ozone and acetic acid, effectively extending the life of the activated carbon cartridge. When replacing the cartridge, the user simply removes the outer layer and inserts the “Aldehyde Solution” cartridge into the new cartridge set.

In addition to this, the HEPA cartridge layer has a dual anti-bacterial and anti-viral coating, with the anti-bacterial coating inhibiting and inactivating bacteria, and the anti-viral coating destroying viral proteins and inactivating them to protect the health of your family’s breathing. To better enhance the sterilisation performance, the whole machine is equipped with the self-developed Infinity-UV full-width light curtain technology, which uses 4 UV lamps and a highly reflective aluminium coating to break through the narrow irradiation range of traditional UV beads and achieve full-width irradiation, so that the sterilisation area can cover the complete surface of the cartridge, continuously keeping the cartridge clean and achieving a germ removal rate of over 99.99% for a variety of germs.

When the Mi Home Air Purifier is switched on, air passes through the washable primary filter in turn, intercepting fine debris and hair and extending the life of the cartridge; anti-virus coating and anti-bacterial coating, destroying virus proteins and inactivating them, intercepting and inhibiting bacteria; high-efficiency nano-class filter material, 99.5% efficient in filtering out 0.08-0.09μm pollutants; catalytic aldehyde decomposition cartridge, separating and removing aldehyde without replacement; porous impregnated Activated carbon to remove formaldehyde, TVOC and other gaseous pollutants; full width light curtain UV module to sterilise and maintain the cleanliness of the cartridge.

Mi Home Total Air Purifier

Decomposing aldehyde removal, the flagship of super-purification

Xiaomi Mijia Total Air Purifier

Xiaomi and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have collaborated to develop the “Aldehyde Solution” technology, a national special achievement of the 13th Five-Year Plan, to achieve an extraordinary leap in the performance of aldehyde removal, with a dual-composite filtration matrix to cut the chemical bond of formaldehyde, for the protection of respiratory health

1.”Aldehyde Solution” harmlessly decomposes

2.UV germicidal full width light surface irradiation
germ removal rate >99.99%

3. Six times the combined purification for clean air

4.Swiss Solid State Formaldehyde Sensor Thousandths of a formaldehyde digital display

5.Individual aldehyde removal cartridge 0 loss lasting
Catalytic decomposition without replacement

6.Sleep block running softly

*All-in-one: This refers to the Mi Home All-In-One air purifier range, which has a strong and balanced performance in all areas and can effectively tackle indoor particulate matter and gaseous pollutants.

Superb detection power and high performance aldehyde removal technology

Durcatalyst “Aldehyde Solution” technology
Harmless decomposition, no need to change the core

Xiaomi and the Institute of Process Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have jointly developed the “Aldehyde Solution” technology. The catalytic aldehyde solution cartridge equipped with this technology can continuously decompose formaldehyde into water and carbon dioxide, without secondary pollution release, and the cartridge lasts for a long time without replacement.

Long-lasting and stable formaldehyde removal with no need to change cartridges*

The “Aldehyde Solution” catalytic aldehyde decomposition cartridge will gradually reach a stable value during use and will continue to catalyse decomposition without the need to change the core.

Mi Home Total Air Purifier Better than the national standard for aldehyde removal

Efficient aldehyde removal for clean air in new homes

Mi Home Total Air Purifier can reduce indoor formaldehyde to :0.01mglm*
National standard threshold for indoor formaldehyde concentration:0.08mg/m*(China)

Thousandths of a formaldehyde digital display More accurate, more peace of mind

Real-time, accurate display of formaldehyde levels in your home, with sensitive feedback on even the smallest changes.

Precision solid state formaldehyde sensors
Imported from Switzerland, it detects the “invisible killer” in your home in real time.

Ultra-efficient sterilization of toxins Multi-breathing protection

Infinity-UV full-frame light curtain
Extensive UV light field coverage for powerful bacterial inactivation
The opposite UV lamp set adopts a highly reflective aluminium coating, breaking through the narrow irradiation range of traditional UV lamp beads to achieve full-width irradiation, the disinfection area covers the complete cartridge surface, continuously keeping the cartridge clean.
Germicidal effect of UVC material table >99.99% E. coli 1 hour kill rate*

Antibacterial. Anti-viral dual coating One step cleaner air

The anti-bacterial coating inhibits and inactivates bacteria, while the anti-viral coating destroys viral proteins and inactivates them to protect your family’s respiratory health.

Removal of a wide range of bacteria and viruses

1.Influenza A virus H1N 11-hour removal rate*99.99%
2.White Staphylococcus 1 hour removal rate*99.99%
3.E. coli 1 hour removal rate*99.99%
4.Klebsiella pneumoniae 1 hour removal rate*99.99%

Filters a wide range of allergens Allergy-prone people can breathe freely

Deep filtering of common allergens to reduce the occurrence of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis in the new season, and care for allergy-prone people such as pregnant women, babies and the elderly.

More than just aldehyde removal, multiple efficiencies for better air in a room

Clean air is blown up to the ceiling and spread throughout the house for a fresh breath of air.

11666L/min atmospheric volume*
2.6 minutes for whole house ventilation, large volume, big performance

99.2% efficient removal of TVOC*
Formaldehyde is not the only harmful gas, TVOCs are also not to be ignored

Powerful sensing system Create air data center

Mi Home Total Air Purifier can real-time monitoring ofcoarse particles,PM2.5,formaldehyde, temperature,humidity, five important air data, it is not only an airpurifier, but also your private air data station.

The quadruple curved flow contains a balanced structural aesthetic

The four-curved curved design is simple and elegant, with rounded corners that are gentle and durable, and reduce the risk of injury to children.

Lightweight and compact with small footprint Sleep well in the good air

With a footprint of less than the area of an A3 sheet of paper*, automatic adjustment of the brightness of the display on the body and a soft 30.7dB(A) operation in the sleep mode*, the minuscule presence will not disturb your rest, allowing you to enjoy the experience of sleeping in clean air.

Concealed gimbal

Easy movement to clean the air throughout the house

Mi Home App + Xiaoxia

Intelligent interaction, remotely controllable


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Ships From

China, Russian Federation

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